Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I.- READ AND COMPLETE.                                                      

My name is Sophie. I`m 8 years old.
I`m from France, I live in Paris. I live with my dad and mom.
I have blond hair. I like pears and grapes. I can play the piano  and  dance ballet  but I can`t swim.

Name: _____________________
Age:    _____________________
Country: ____________________
City:     _____________________
Likes:   _____________________
Can:     _____________________
Can`t:   _____________________

I.- READ AND COMPLETE:                                                      
Nigeria  - Canada  - Australia   - Japan  - Great Britain  -Brazil
A-This country is in South America.               B.-This country is in North America.
It has a letter “Z”.                                                  It starts with letter “C”.
__________________                             ___________________
C.-This country is in Europe. It has a               D.-This country has a flag with a red
queen. It has a blue, white and                              circle.
red flag.
_____________________                                   ________________

E.-This country is in Africa. It has                  F.- This country is a big island.
a green and white flag.                                       It has kangaroos.
______________________                         ________________


What color is Perú's flag?..................................................................

What color is Brazil's flag?..................................................................

What color is Japan's flag?..................................................................
What color is Great Britain's flag?..................................................................

see you to next practice.